The Alignment of Governance and Leadership in Healthcare (AGLH):
Building Momentum for Transformation
Public Health Institute implements the Alignment of Governance and Leadership in Healthcare initiative (AGLH) in partnership with The Governance Institute and Stakeholder Health with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The goal of the AGLH initiative is to accelerate healthcare transformation by building knowledge of place-based, population health improvement among senior leaders and board members of hospitals and health systems. Initiative activities began with three 1.5 intensives conducted at The Governance Institute Leadership Conferences in Boca Raton, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee. Each participant organization was required to include at least one senior executive leader (i.e. CEO, CFO, CMO, or EVP) and at least three board members from individual hospitals and/or at the health system level. AGLH provides tools and training for senior leaders and board members to develop systematic approaches to health care transformation.
What we seek
Self-assessment tools and action plans completed during the intensives outlined specific next steps to be taken by organizations to operationalize the knowledge acquired during the 1.5 day educational intensive. Action plans were compiled by the AGLH team and follow-up calls will be conducted with participants on a bimonthly basis over the course of the year. These brief calls are designed as an efficient strategy to:
- Share new tools, resources, and innovations in the field
- Document steps taken by organizations to build population health capacity and optimally engage their boards and leadership
- Document and disseminate emerging challenges, opportunities and lessons learned in the process.
How we will support you
We live in a time when leaders or hospitals and health systems need to make timely decisions amid rapid policy changes. In such an environment, there is a need to build internal capacity, develop and integrate new functions, establish new working relationships with diverse external stakeholders and increase knowledge in areas well outside the realm of clinical service delivery. The AGLH initiative provides an in-depth examination of these issues and work with senior leaders/board teams that better align governance and operation, and support definitive action through bimonthly conference calls, online communications to share the latest research and practice innovations, and periodic group webinars to share lessons with fellow AGLH colleagues.
For more information on AGLH, please contact our team at
We're excited to share our learnings with you!
Communities Lifting Communities Training Program
The Hospital Associate of Southern California (HASC) has partnered with the Center to Advance Community Health & Equity (CACHE) a program within the Public Health Institute (PHI) to hold a series of half-day trainings for hospital and health system leaders focusing on improvement of population health programs. The training offered strategies to build internal capacity, alignment, and methods to engage diverse stakeholders all in an effort to address the root causes of poor health. Captured in this document are the key insights and feedback from the first four trainings held.
For more information about the Communities Lifting Communities Training Program, please visit their webpage here.
Looking for our report: Policy Leadership for Health Care Transformation?
Through this project, Public Health Institute and Nemours (on behalf of the Moving Healthcare Upstream Initiative) engaged 18 hospital and health systems seen as leaders in the upstream movement, specific to health care & community partnership that address social determinants of health. Examples from these leaders were synthesized into an organizing framework consisting of two major categories, or Foundational Pillars: internally-focused Institutional Policy Strategies and externally-focused Civic Engagement Strategies, each with sub-categories.
The framework (which is fleshed out with detailed examples as well as sample documents shared by participating hospitals and health systems) is designed to serve as an actionable roadmap for hospitals and health systems in earlier stages of their own upstream journeys. Be sure to check out the executive summary and full report.
Contact for questions or more information.